Wednesday, August 20, 2014

So you can know better...

The kids and I were working on formulating our class promise. Young children never cease to amaze me!  I always let them generate the language for the promise so they will "own" it. We talked about the obvious things - kindness, helpfulness, cheerfulness, respect. Then I asked them, "why do you come to school each day?" And there were the typical responses - mom is working, you HAVE to, etc.  Then, one little girl raised her hand and she exclaimed, "so you can KNOW better"!  I loved the sheer honesty and enthusiasm in her response. Coming to school really is about learning to "know better" each day. In kindergarten, we learn about reading, writing, math, etc. But we also learn to "know better" about respect for others, differences in others and how to just plain get along with others. Today was a good day in kindergarten. :)

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