Monday, April 27, 2015

OSMO Magic

Check out the children's colored pencil portraits I've been working on. They will present them to their Mom for Mother's Day in a pretty frame☺️

OSMO Masterpiece

Here are the draft portraits I've been working on for Mother's Day gifts. The kids are excited!  What a cool tool the OSMO is!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Earth Day for Kids

What can kids do to take care of their earth?  Today, we talked about conserving water, recycling and not littering. Check out our awesome earth models!

Importance of Play

I'm so thankful that I work for an administration that respects children's need for play. Play is the WORK of children. 

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Exploring with OSMO

Just purchased this really cool tool for my classroom. Can't wait to play! #playosmo

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Little Engineers

Our discussion about 3-d shapes led us to a YouTube video of a man describing basic engineering of structures for safety during earthquakes.  He modeled the principles of building (with marshmallows and toothpicks) and we experimented. It takes 12 toothpicks and 8 marshmallows to build a cube!

Friday, April 3, 2015

PEEP Playdough - you can EAT it!!💐

We had fun learning about the wonderful children's author, Beatrix Potter. I love her stories and learning how she came up with her ideas for her books. Youtube sure comes in handy for quick and current mini-lessons. We made PEEP playdough, courtesy of Pinterest. The children loved the sensory experience. It's hard to believe that spring is already here!  Happy Easter everyone!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Symbols of Easter

We discussed one of the pretty symbols of Easter today - the Easter Lily. The word "lily"
means hope and new beginning. Look at our individual Easter lilies!