Friday, January 30, 2015

Last school day in January

We had a great day today. We had a very involved lesson on "ending" sounds in words and then had practice time in groups. I'm very proud of their improving group work skills. 

Monday, January 26, 2015

100th Day of School Fun๐ŸŽ‰

We had such a fun day!  Today was the 100th day of this school year. We wore our originally designed "100th Day" t-shirts and jester hats. We worked through 8 rotations with a partner including using 100 grids, iPads, tangram puzzles and pattern blocks. We created a structure with 100 cups and with our own personal bag of 100 objects brought from home. We created a class chart with inked handprints that is a visual for counting by 5's to 100.
We also created a 100-link paper chain. Last, we enjoyed a "100 DAYS SMARTER" cookie cake. What a fun day!

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Box Tops!

Box Tops really do make a difference in helping teachers do more authentic activities in the classroom. At Kitty Stone, we turn in bags of 50 on the first Friday of each month. Our PTO processes them and we receive .10 cents per box top to spend in our classroom two times a year. Save and donate!

Friday, January 9, 2015

Reflecting on the First Week Back

As I'm reflecting on this past week, I have to smile. My class this year is indeed diverse in so many way. Even though they are all different, each showed growth this week. They worked really hard in their new journals. Thanks to Koven Brown for donating the funds to purchase brand new journals for the kids!  Handwriting is improving but more importantly, they are understanding how to interject greater meaning and content into their writing. This is a major milestone for kindergartners. We also created a "number of the day" chart together. They learn to represent a number with symbols, tally marks, words, pictures and a number sentence. The ten frame is the foundation for this lesson.  We read some amazing nonfiction this week. This class is interested in nonfiction text. They are learning to ask more specific questions and how to use text features and illustrations to make meaning. This afternoon, we watched Raymond Briggs' The Snowman - a wordless picture book that is made into a video clip. They LOVED it. I was pleased with how they noticed details and anticipated what would happen next. We finished the day with creative snowmen art. Pictures will be posted on Monday. ๐Ÿ˜Š

Monday, January 5, 2015

Math and Writing

I prepared a new daily group math question to help strengthen number sense today. We will be working with a 10 frame daily as a class in preparation for the 100th day of school!  My, how time flies!  Also made new name tags with last names too for the tables. I found an awesome New Year writing activity!  I think they will like it๐Ÿ˜Š

Augmented reality in kindergarten!

Professional development at JHS this morning!!  Cool. Now, how can I make this work??????

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Second Semester

I LOVE the second semester of kindergarten!  It is very different from the first semester. The focus shifts from routines to learning to be a proficient reader and problem solver. The children take on more responsibility in the classroom and I back up a bit. Leaders emerge in the classroom - there are always a few kids that surprise me too. Bundle up kids and let's learn!!!

Friday, January 2, 2015

New Year๐Ÿ˜™๐ŸŽ‰

I am hitting the thrift stores today with my mom. It's a bit like a classroom treasure hunt. I'll post what I find to liven up the classroom for 2015!!